Keeler IO

Keeler Indirect Ophthalmoscopes

Vantage Plus LED Indirect Ophthalmoscope

The LED cooler colour provides brighter, whiter illumination, longer battery life, and freedom from purchasing bulbs. The LED life expectancy is up to 10,000 hours.

Clinically, the superior optics combined with the LED illumination could provide greater detail, allowing you to find retinal pathology that was not visible with the Xenon bulb BIO's.

Spectra Iris Indirect Ophthalmoscope

Spectra Plus has been specifically designed as a compact, lightweight and portable indirect with big benefits for professionals on the move. It can be tucked away in its neat carrying case or hung around your neck when not in use.

LED long lasting illumination and - unbelievably - no more bulbs. That's right! No more bulbs! Just a long lasting, white homogeneous light patch.


Keeler Loupes

If you think all loupes are the same, think again, you'll see the difference with Keeler Loupes.

Top quality laser aligned optics provide you with superb fields of view and outstanding magnification.


Keeler Direct Ophthalmoscope and Retinoscope

A combination of optical perfection, superb ergonomics and versatile features make Keeler direct ophthalmoscopes the ideal choice. 

Whatever your requirement from basic examination to detailed diagnosis, there is a Keeler ophthalmoscope for you.